Komentář/Upřesnění: Velcí (Welkau)Komentář/Upřesnění:Smejkal - Zarybnicky - Andel - Kut
[vloženo: Jan-Peter 15.12.2011 21:28]
Hallo, my name is Jan-Peter and I am searching for family data of my ancestors or relatives.
My grandpa Eduard Smejkal was born in Velcie Nr. 56 in 1883. The father of my grandpa was Josef Smejkal.
Eduards mother was Anna Zarybnicky, the daughter from Vaclav (Wenzel) Zarybnicky (Velcie Nr. 32) and Josefa born Kutova (from Drahlin). The father of Josef Smejkal was Josef (Sen.) Smejkal; he was married with Anna born Andelova (Vohrazenice Nr. 56).
If you have any Informations about my ancestors for me, i will be very happy.
Please forgive me my bad English.